Donation Form Contribution Mail Form Please print this form, complete the following information and mail your contribution to: Lisa Atkins for Congress P.O. Box 39 Litchfield Park, AZ 85340-0039 (623) 535-0809 Name_______________________________________________ E-mail_______________________________________________ Address_____________________________________________ City____________________________ State____ Zip________ Phone (_____) _____ - ________ Occupation__________________________________________ Employer____________________________________________ Amount $_______.____ ___ My check is enclosed. ___ Please charge my credit card. (circle one: Visa MasterCard AmEx) Card Number____________________________________________ Expiration Date ________ / ________ Signature __________________________ Contributions by check should be made payable to Lisa Atkins for Congress, P.O. Box 39, Litchfield Park, AZ 85340 Tel: 623-535-0809 Fax 623-535-0969 E-mail Paid for by Lisa Atkins for Congress Contributions are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal tax purposes. Federal law limits contributions to $1,000 per individual. Married couples drawing on joint bank accounts may donate $2,000. .