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Lisa Atkins for Congress

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Why Vote for Lisa Atkins

As your Representative in Congress, Lisa will work to:

Strong Supporter of Second Amendment rights.

When our Founding Fathers included the Second Amendment in the Bill of Rights, they were not seeking to create a new right for the people to keep and bear arms - they were protecting an existing one. At the time of the drafting of the Constitution, lawful people already had the right to bear arms. Our Founding Fathers wanted to make sure that they kept that right.

With the exception of the 1986 Firearm Owners Protection Act, lawful gun owners have been subjected to a systematic assault upon their rights to keep and bear arms. Despite the fact that gun control had never been shown to reduce crime (indeed, quite the opposite was oftentimes true), law after law continued to be passed until there was not a single aspect of gun ownership, possession, transfer or purchase that was not governed by one law or another. By some estimates, there are now 30,000 gun laws in effect in our country. What all these laws have in common is that ninety-nine percent of the people to whom they apply are lawful gun owners. The one percent of gun owners who are criminal couldn't care less about gun laws.

Criminals ignore our gun laws not only because they have contempt for the law in general, but also because they know the likelihood of ever being prosecuted for a gun law violation is extremely slim. It is time we changed that.

In addition to being prosecuted for the crimes they commit, criminals should also be prosecuted for any and all gun laws they violate. Prosecuting and putting armed criminals in jail is a far better use of our time and criminal justice resources than continually passing new laws restricting the Constitutional rights of lawful citizens.

Download the entire Why Vote for Lisa Atkins document.

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