As your Representative in Congress, Lisa will work to:
Eliminate the Clinton Tax increase on Social Security.
Despite promises to only increase taxes on the "rich," the Clinton Administration in 1993 pushed through Congress a tax increase on thousands of middle class retirees. By increasing the percentage of Social Security benefits subject to tax from fifty percent to eighty-five percent, the Clinton Administration and Congress imposed a special tax on retirees that will amount to more than $100 billion over the next ten years. The people targeted to pay this tax are Social Security recipients with more than $34,000 a year in income (couples with more than $44,000). The proceeds from the tax are credited to the Medicare Trust Fund.
While some might consider retirees who have annual incomes above $34,000 to be "rich," I do not. I certainly do not think the people targeted by this tax should be punished because they saved and invested in order to be self-sufficient during their retirement.
Repeal of the 1993 tax increase on Social Security recipients was an element of the "Contract with America" that was brought up and passed through the House after the Republicans gained control in 1995. However, the Senate did not approve the House action and thus the issue remains unresolved to this day. If elected, I intend to join in the effort to once and for all repeal this tax.
Download the entire Why Vote for Lisa Atkins document.
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