As your Representative in Congress, Lisa will work to:
Strengthen our economy through job creation.
I support targeted tax cuts to stimulate economic growth, savings and investments. However, as helpful as tax cuts can be, it is very difficult to create a tax cut strategy that will encourage both individuals and businesses to engage in the kinds of activity that will produce short as well as long-term benefits to the economy. Therefore, our economic policies need to go beyond simply cutting taxes and include other key incentives for economic growth. To this end, one of the things I believe Congress and the private sector must do is make an increased commitment to research and development.
Half of the economic and job growth over the past ten years is attributable directly to improvements in technology. These improvements don't just happen overnight. Rather, they are the result of long-term investments by the government and the private sector - investments that pay off in new industries, new jobs, higher wages and a higher standard of living. Improvements in technology also offer hope for solutions to a host of problems in areas such as transportation, energy, the environment, health care and our national defense. I strongly believe that it is essential that Congress pursue an economic policy that contains, as a major element, an increased commitment to research funding and a permanent Research and Experimentation Tax Credit.
Download the entire Why Vote for Lisa Atkins document.
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