As your Representative in Congress, Lisa will work to:
Protecting homeowners from fluctuating energy prices.
The United States imports more than half of its domestic energy needs from overseas, most of it in the form of crude oil from the Middle East. Our reliance upon foreign oil subjects consumers to economic uncertainty and represents a weakness in our national defense that some countries have and will continue to exploit. We should build a defense against this threat as we would any other risk to our national security.
I believe the best way to protect consumers from devastating price hikes, and to defend ourselves against the use of oil as a weapon, is to establish a national energy policy that makes us more dependent on our own sources of energy and less susceptible to supply disruptions engineered by others. To do that, we will have to make full use of our existing supplies of oil, natural gas and coal, make them cheaper and more readily available by expanding and modernizing our energy distribution and production systems and extend the life of our energy supplies through conservation and increased efficiencies. We must make greater use of nuclear and hydroelectric power and we must develop new energy technologies for the future. We should continue to encourage the development of new fuel technologies through government research and through extending and making permanent the Research and Experimentation Tax Credit. Federal support of research is essential if we are to realize the potential of fuel cells, solar, wind turbine, and biomass systems that could one day replace fossil fuels as our chief source of energy.
Download the entire Why Vote for Lisa Atkins document.
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